Kony 2012 shows impact of savvy marketing

publication date: Mar 29, 2012

Since it was released on March 5, an advocacy video about Ugandan warlord Joseph Kony has been viewed a hundred million times and helped raise hundreds of thousands of dollars for Invisible Children, a US based organization.

What has caught the attention of nonprofit leaders, is how quickly the video and its message spread among young people. For Marc DuBois, executive director of the British office of Médecins Sans Frontières the Kony campaign demonstrates the potential of youthful idealism to generate not just awareness for a cause but also real financial support.

Also, the head-on approach taken by Invisible Children’s to a barrage of criticism aimed at the campaign has helped to build trust and support among today’s media-savvy youth.

Read the original New York Times report, http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/16/us/backlash-aside-charities-see-lessons-in-a-web-video.html?_r=2

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