FRONTLINE HEROES | HomeFront Celebrates their Case Management Team

publication date: Feb 9, 2022

More than one million people work in Ontario’s nonprofit sector. They are highly skilled, well-educated, and widely credited with helping the most vulnerable in our communities, especially through the pandemic. In celebration of “Nonprofit Sector Appreciation Week,” (Feb 14-20) Hilborn Charity eNEWS will profile essential frontline nonprofit workers from across the country whose dedication and passion makes a daily contribution to the communities they serve.

Partnering with police, the justice system and other community partners to support Calgary families impacted by domestic violence puts the HomeFront Case Management Team on the front line of services, working diligently to create, sustain and foster relationships with the organization’s key partners.

Prior to the pandemic HomeFront co-located with police and crown partners. With the challenges of the pandemic, staff moved to a work-from-home format and, while they had concerns that it would create barriers for their collaborative work, the team adapted quickly. Positive outcomes for clients continued.

Creative approaches, innovative processes

HomeFront was contacted by the Crown Prosecutor in Saskatchewan about a victim of domestic violence who had fled to Calgary. The Crown was looking for supports for this victim who was required to testify via video conferencing. Due to limited resources at the Calgary Courts Centre, the Saskatchewan Crown received permission for the individual to testify in the HomeFront Office through video. The HomeFront Case Management team provided services, trial support and resources for the client, while collaborating with the Crown long distance to ensure that everything was prepared for the testimony.

Following the testimony, the victim told the HomeFront Case Manager that she felt much more at ease having the support of HomeFront. It calmed her and made an overwhelming process a little easier. The trial went well and a HomeFront Case Manager is helping to establish a network of supports and resources for the individual and her children.

Another example of how the HomeFront Team adapted during Covid is found in the process of Early Case Resolution (ECR) that is part of the Specialized Domestic Violence Court. ECR requires the collaboration of police, crown, probation, child and family services, defense counsel and HomeFront. All parties work together to determine outcomes for the domestic violence cases before the courts, with HomeFront case managers advocating for the victim. These discussions are vital to ensuring that cases are resolved in a thoughtful manner considering the needs of the family at hand. Due to the pandemic, face-to-face meetings at court could not take place. In 2020, the Case Management Team made over 27,000 individual contacts to police, crown, probation and child welfare partners. These contacts included emails, phone calls, virtual meetings and texts. The transition to virtual was seamless and while the in-person contact and partnerships are missed, the team ensured that clients voices were still being heard.

In the face of never-before-seen challenges, HomeFront’s Case Management team continues to show dedication and innovation in their frontline work with individuals dealing with domestic violence.

HomeFront helps individuals and families break the cycle of domestic violence through a coordinated community and justice response that works to keep victims safe and hold offenders accountable.

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