10 QUESTIONS…with Kimberley Mackenzie, Leadership Coach

publication date: Aug 6, 2024
author/source: Hilborn Charity eNews

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Knowing my children are safe and thriving out in the world, being with my husband outdoors with birds chirping and dogs sleeping in the sun while drinking either my first cup of coffee or the second glass of wine.

2. What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Insincerity. When someone says one thing but behaves the opposite. I’d rather NOT have a conversation at all if it can’t be authentic. I deplore fake hugs. When I ask how someone is doing…I sincerely want to know!

3. Which living person do you most admire?

My husband. He has infinite capacity for complexity and dynamic situations. He is calm, steady, incredibly patient, talented and kind. In addition to that, he is very good at his paid work. I admire that. People and companies are really drawn to him. I’m grateful he married me.

4. What is your current state of mind?

As I write this, I’m finishing up as an assistant for a three-day coaching course. It was emotional, inspiring and a huge privilege to bear witness to humans stretching and growing. I feel content. Absolutely at peace and optimistic about my business and personal trajectory. Very much aligned with my values.

5. Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

I have a bit of a potty mouth. I swear too much. I’m trying to call on more grace in that regard.

6. Which talent would you most like to have?

Musical. Every time I pass a piano in a public place, I wish I could sit down, play something amazing and spread joy! Not sure I’ll ever do that but I am taking lessons!

7. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I’m pretty comfortable with who I am now. However, it is a constant practice to not worry too much about whether EVERYONE likes me. I know I’m not for everyone. I am however, for lots of amazing people. I keep reminding myself of that.

8. What do you consider your greatest achievement?

My children of course. I am an extremely proud Mama Bear. And surviving 25 years in a sector that causes so much trauma—I came out of that pretty strong.

9. What is your motto?

Just as good as. No better.

10. What is your current favourite charity?

I have two favourite charities. I live in Stratford Ontario and firmly believe that arts are the window to the soul of humanity. Through the arts we can change the world—so, we donate to The Stratford Festival and other smaller arts organizations. Also, right now my daughter is an evacuee from Jasper, Alberta and The Jasper Community Team Society is doing amazing work on the ground. https://www.jaspercommunityteamsociety.ca/


Kimberley Mackenzie, CPCC, ACC is a leadership coach working with charity executives to get transformative results for themselves and their teams. A charity executive for 22 years, Kimberley built a six-figure consultancy and held her CFRE for 17 years until she was certified by the International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified Coach and by the Co-Active Training Institute as a Certified Co-Active Professional Coach. She is the former editor for Charity eNews, and an AFP Master Trainer and Group Facilitator. She participated on Rogare’s think tank reviewing Relationship Fundraising and was a driving force in the early days of SOFII.org. Contact Kimberley at k@kimberleymackenzie.ca or follow her on Instagram @kimberleycanada.

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