10 Questions…with Lisa MacDonald, Editor of Hilborn Charity eNews

publication date: May 15, 2024
author/source: Lisa MacDonald

The Editor of Hilborn Charity eNews on being in the moment, fancy cheese and her current charity of choice.


1. What is your idea of perfect happiness? 

Being able to be fully present in the moment – whatever that looks like – always brings me happiness.

2. What is the trait you most deplore in others? 

Hypocrisy. Cruelty. Bullying behaviour.

3. What is your greatest extravagance? 

Fancy cheese and high heel shoes.

4. What is your current state of mind? 

Positive. There is a lot of change happening around me but I am up for it!

5. What is your educational background? 

Bachelor of Arts, Honours in Journalism and Communication from Carleton University.

6. What was your first job? 

Artsmarketing Services hired me directly out of university. My first campaign was at the Royal Ontario Museum, the second was for Prairie Public Television out of Winnipeg.

7. Which talent would you most like to have? 

To be able to speak multiple languages. I’m currently trying to level-up my French again.

8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I’m trying very hard to be happy with who I am at this age and stage. So quite honestly, I wouldn’t change a thing. Getting braces when I turned 40 was a brilliant gift to myself that I’ve never regretted.

9. What do you consider your greatest achievement(s)?

1) Being a mom to my two daughters.
2) Writing a book.
3) Running a half-marathon.

10. What is your current favourite charity? 

I love the innovative approach to food security happening at the Food Banks in Ottawa and recently made my first donation to the Parkdale Food Centre.


Ready to answer 10 Questions? Email the editor@hilborn.com.

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