10 Questions…with Paula Attfield, CEO of Stephen Thomas Ltd.

publication date: Jun 12, 2024
author/source: Paula Attfield

1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

I love going to places where I can be near water. I live close to Lake Ontario in downtown Toronto and love going to the Toronto Islands, or my more recent favourite thing is getting out onto a lake with my fold-up kayak.

2. What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Not being accountable. I like it when people do what they say they are going to do when they say they will do it. And, if they can’t, to own it and hopefully come up with a Plan B solution. I recently updated my ST new staff welcome video to include this message as one of my top expectations.

3. What is your greatest extravagance?

Going to see live music. Prices are high these days, but it’s so much fun experiencing music live with other enthusiasts!

4. What is your current state of mind?

Optimistic. It seems that all around us is grim news … there’s so much that can bring us down. I try to focus on what I can control, making others smile and making positive change where I can. We can’t manage the world around us, or even people around us, but we can find our own unique ways of managing through tough times, and to hopefully do so while maintaining a sense of humour. Laughter is underrated.

5. What is your educational background?

I studied English and History at University of Toronto. If I could have a do-over I would have loved for my major to have been political science. Years after getting my BA, I was on maternity leave when Sam Gindin (a Canadian political activist) offered a graduate course in political science open to community members. His work really got me thinking about the inequalities inherent in capitalism. It’s a topic I continue to be interested in.

6. What was your first job?

When I was 16, I worked in a factory in Scarborough, Ontario, called H. Paulin & Co. There were a group of us—all women—and our job was to sort and count nuts and bolts which would then be bagged and sent off in packages for whatever use. It was tedious work. We had to stand all day at a long table. I asked, “Can we have chairs? I can do the work just as fast.” “No” was the resounding answer with no explanation provided. For me, it was a lesson in how not to treat employees.

7. Which talent would you most like to have?

I love music and I’ve always secretly wanted to sing. But in grade 6 choir tryouts, I was tapped on the head—their way of saying, you don’t make the cut. My favourite song is “Me and Bobby McGee” sung by Janice Joplin. I made the mistake of singing it karaoke style in front of a bunch of people. What a disaster! Now I content myself with singing along to my favourite tunes in the car. My kids hate it, and are quick to point out how many lyrics I miss.

8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Maybe I’d be a little less wrapped up in my own head, a little less worried about what people think of me. Perhaps I’d wish for the ability to better see my own blind spots. Just like everyone else, I’m a work in progress.

9. What do you consider your greatest achievement(s)?

At ST, one of my proudest accomplishments is instituting a 4-day work week two years ago. It’s brought us that extra space to find time for the things we enjoy. I’m always happy to chat about how we can expand the work-less mentality in our sector.

10. What is your current favourite charity?

I really appreciate the work of some local organizations close to where I work and live. The Red Door Shelter is one example. Of course, there are so many organizations doing much-needed and great work in Canada, and at ST we are privileged to work with many of them.

As CEO of Stephen Thomas Ltd (ST) Paula is passionate about helping nonprofit clients raise more money, particularly in the realm of integrated direct response annual giving.

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