10 QUESTIONS…with Rea Ganesh, VP Philanthropy at Scarborough Health Network Foundation

publication date: Oct 15, 2024
author/source: Charity eNews

The Chair-elect for AFP Canada on integrity, achieving one of her biggest dreams and being audacious in getting her first job.


1. What is your idea of perfect happiness?

Waking up in a home that overlooks the ocean.

2. What is the trait you most deplore in others?

Making promises they can’t keep. Integrity is an essential trait for me. I live by having integrity, so I believe people when they say they will do something.

3. What is your greatest extravagance?

I don’t think I have one! But I am obsessed with body butter cream; the thicker, the better. I don’t buy expensive creams, but I’ll try different products, especially ones mixed with shea butter.

4. What is your current state of mind?

I'm overwhelmed. There is a lot going on right now, and I'm anxious about how I’m going to get everything done.

5. What is your educational background?

I have my Bachelor of Environmental Studies from York University. I then did a Postgraduate Diploma in International Development and most recently completed my Master's in Business Administration at Kellogg-Schulich. It was an amazing and unique partnership program to learn at York University and Northwestern University. We got the opportunity to interact with various cohorts worldwide to gain a global perspective.

6. What was your first job?

I was twelve-years-old and saw in the local Unionville paper that they had opened a new restaurant called Bellamy’s and were looking for bussers. I didn’t even tell my mom, but rode my bike over to the restaurant and asked if I could have a job. The woman was amused and said, "OK," and she gave me the job on the spot.

7. Which talent would you most like to have?

To sing! I have always wanted to be a singer.

8. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I need to have the courage to speak up more about things that I see as wrong. I think I’m getting better and continue to work on this, but I wish it would just come more naturally.

9. What do you consider your greatest achievement(s)?

My daughter will always be my most outstanding achievement. However, when I decided to go for my MBA at my age, I never expected that I would start a new job three months into the program. In addition, I am taking care of my family. There were times that I wanted to cry and give up. On the last day of class, I felt such a sense of relief and pride that I overcame all the challenges and finally achieved one of my biggest dreams.

10. What is your current favourite charity?

I have worked at seven charities throughout my career, and have embraced each one of them. However, my favourite charity is the Scarborough Health Network Foundation. It’s the only charity that I’ve had such a strong connection to. I was born at Scarborough General, and both my grandfather and dad passed away at Centenary Hospital. When I walk the halls of the hospital, I feel a sense of belonging because I see myself as reflective of the community that I serve. And it feels lovely.

Rea has 21 years in the sector, primarily in senior leadership roles at hospital foundations and health charities where she has been directly involved in strategic and business planning while managing revenue and staff teams. Prior to joining Scarborough Health Network Foundation, Rea’s roles included Vice-President of Philanthropy and Strategy at North York General Foundation and National Director of Development and Marketing at Children’s Wish Foundation. In addition to her day-to-day duties, Rea serves as the Chair-elect for the Association of Fundraising Professionals of Canada, the national voice for the fundraising profession. She is a huge advocate for women of colour in leadership roles and is part of the Women’s Mentoring and Leadership Program.

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