Sealing the Deal – how charities and consultants can work together for good

publication date: Feb 20, 2019
author/source: Margaret Buttner

Vendors and consultants can be a fundraiser’s dream – non-profits are typically short staffed and having a service or project managed by a third party can be a blessing, especially for major campaigns or large events. I get annoyed, however with cold calls from vendors who haven’t taken the time to even look at our website before making the call!

So here’s a few hints on how charities, vendors and consultants can work together and create the best outcomes for everyone.

Vendors and consultants – a few tips:

• treat your potential customer like a donor – have you done your homework; what is the charity’s mission and activities, where are they located, who are their donors and what are their annual revenues. While we are sometimes overwhelmed with data and information these days, the internet and social media have their purpose – all of this information is accessible and your target customer will appreciate not having to describe their charity to you!

• Few products or services operate in a vacuum; check the competition and be ready for questions about how your product or service differs from others, what makes it superior and be prepared to be grilled.

• If a potential customer asks for follow up information, be prompt, be accurate and be relevant. Ask them for a problem or challenge and make an effort to provide a possible solution (or track down an elusive prospect).

Charities – here are a few tips to help ensure a successful relationship:

• Be realistic with your expectations of what they can accomplish; a successful outcome takes work on both sides.

• Will they have full access to data that they need to work on the project?

• Have you secured commitment (and access) to your board and senior leadership team, and if relevant, are your staff able to assist with the project?

• Are your board and Senior Leadership Team prepared for all outcomes; for example, if the recommendation is to “not” proceed with a campaign or event, will they accept this news.

• Before sealing the deal, ask for references or examples of successful outcomes, but also ask about the ones that didn’t go as planned.

Finally, if you’re considering working with a consultant or other vendor, talk to your team first – do they have prior experience with the company? Check with your network too - take the time to attend your local CAGP and AFP meetings; you’ll meet fellow fundraisers and develop relationships that might help you in your career.

Margaret Buttner has spent close to 20 years in the fundraising profession and has the pleasure of working with some highly professional consultants; woe betide the potential vendor who doesn’t do their homework before calling her though!

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