Happy, healthy and wise: Emotional leadership

publication date: Jan 14, 2019
author/source: Kathy Archer

Tuning in to your emotions makes you a more effective leader

Emotional Intelligence is the KEY to effective and happy leadership. We need to learn to both recognize and manage our emotions. Emotions are gifts in leadership and in life. They are who we are genetically and spiritually. We need to stop trying to shun emotions and instead learn to both recognize and manage our emotions.

Three strategies to help you manage your emotions

Most leaders are receiving a constant stream of inputs and stimuli. This barrage of information keeps us from effectively processing what is already there. To recognize your emotions, you need to slow down and tune in.

1. Learn to spend time in solitude

Take time away from the inputs, even if it is when you are driving (turn off the radio) or sitting at the coffee shop (don’t grab your phone.) Just tune in to what’s going on inside of you instead of trying to tune it out.

2. Journal Writing down what’s going on helps. It can be a letter to the person driving you crazy or memo to yourself. Either way, make it be something that you never intend to send. Just write and trust that clarity will begin to come once you start.

3. Name them to tame them When you are feeling something, name it. Annoyed, angry, hurt, confused or overwhelmed are all emotions that get muddled into “it’s been one of those days.” What does that really mean? Name what’s happened and you will be better able to manage it.

Having, experiencing and expressing your emotions is not a sign of weakness. When you learn to manage what is going on inside of you, it becomes a strength. To learn to both recognize and manage your emotions, take time to tune in instead of tuning them out. Becoming a more emotionally intelligent leader will help you be a more confident leader.

Leadership Development Coach Kathy Archer teaches women leaders inner and outer tools to grow confidence so they can move from surviving to thriving in both leadership and life.

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