Join a research project and get a free marketing audit

publication date: Apr 2, 2018
author/source: Management Advisory Services (MAS)

MAS is searching for 10 mid-sized charities that are willing to receive a free marketing audit. Each charity will receive a confidential marketing audit that will

  • give you an outside perspective on how to make your marketing effort more efficient
  • suggest new marketing ideas.

Once 10 marketing audits are complete, MAS will write a white paper summarizing the patterns that emerge. The content will be generalized because we will focus on common patterns, not individual audit results. The white paper will be promoted to all charities across Canada through free educational webinars and articles.

Why is this research needed?

  • The research study is called “What are the marketing best practices for mid-size charities?” When it is done, we hope to answer these questions:
  • Board members – what are the right marketing questions I should ask the ED?
  • EDs – how can I measure the effectiveness of my marketing department?
  • Marketing staff - how can I get the board to focus on long-term issues (not day-to-day crises)?
  • Consultants – How can I add value?

These questions are diverse. How can we answer all of them? The hypothesis of the research is that the answers to these questions are identical. Following the best practices will ensure an efficient marketing department. But first, we need to research exactly what are the best practices for marketing.

Why is MAS doing this?

Because we are the only ones who will. MAS ( is a volunteer-run charity that offers pro bono consulting for nonprofits across Canada. Since 1993, our mission has been to build capacity in the nonprofit sector.

Our clients are small and midsized non-profits. Our clients need help but cannot attract the attention of large, for-profit consultants to help pro bono. And the advice that mid-size charities need is different from the advice that large charities need.

What is in it for your charity?

  • A free marketing audit. Together, we will calculate the efficiency of your revenue streams, the churn in your donor portfolio, review the clarity and consistency of your brand, map the donor touch points, review the structure and culture of your marketing department.
  • A chance to get involved in new research that will eventually help all mid-size charities in Canada. We would love your input in the draft of the white paper and educational tools.

To qualify, your charity must:

  • expense more than $70,000/year in fundraising or marketing costs
  • be willing to allocate 15-20 staff hours (anywhere in Canada via Skype/Facetime) at a pace that suits your staff.
  • First come, first served.

For more information, contact MAS at

Management Advisory Services (MAS) is a volunteer-run charity that offers pro bono consulting for nonprofits across Canada. Management Advisory Service (MAS) consists of more than 60 current and former business executives and professionals who provide pro bono consulting services for non profit organizations in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Since 1993, MAS has helped more than 1,300 non-profit groups in the GTA do more for the communities they serve.

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