2018 Recipients of Nonprofit Employer of Choice (NEOC) Awards Announced

publication date: Mar 13, 2019
author/source: NEOC

Hilborn:ECS together with partners CCEOC Inc. and The Goldie Company congratulate the recipients of the fourth annual Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice (NEOC) Award. This year, 13 organizations from across Canada fulfilled program requirements to be named a Canadian Nonprofit Employer of Choice.  

The 2018 award recipients are: 

  • Alberta Retired Teachers Association (AB)
  • Joseph Brant Hospital Foundation (ON)
  • Lakeland Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Society (AB)
  • BC Nonprofit Housing Association (BC)
  • The Ottawa Mission Foundation (ON)
  • Brantwood Community Services (ON)
  • Chilliwack Society for Community Living (BC)
  • CMHA- York Region (ON)
  • LOFT Community Services (ON)
  • North Hastings Community Integration Ass'n. (ON)
  • Woodview Mental Health and Autism Services (ON)
  • The Participation House Durham Region (ON)

All winners successfully completed the NEOC Organizational Profile and Employee Commitment Survey achieving a minimum score of 75% overall to qualify for the award.

In a quest to create "decent workplaces" thought leaders are debunking the myth that employees in the nonprofit sector are willing (and should be expected) to work in exchange for the opportunity to “do good.” 

Today, talented people can find a socially meaningful career outside a traditional nonprofit organization, which intensifies the competition for qualified staff. Nonprofit employers of choice generally do a better job of attracting and retaining talent due to: superior HR management; strong organizational cultures; clarity around job expectations; and relevant training and career development.(1)  

The Nonprofit Employer of Choice(NEOC) Award is a tool that measures a nonprofit's HR practices. The NEOC program provides a framework to evaluate an organization's talent management issues and start constructing a corrective plan of action. This program further enables the board and senior staff to probe and analyze the issues and start the transformational change needed to achieve the impact the donor rightly expects. 

“We’re very pleased that every year, the program continues to grow.” said Jeff Doran, president of CCEOC Inc.  “All of the winning nonprofits showed strong leadership qualities, particularly in the areas of employee/management relations, reputation and personal enjoyment. These organizations can now put together workable action plans and take advantage of continuous improvement initiatives to help make their organizations even better places to work.” 

Other supporting partners of the NEOC Award program include: Canadahelps.org, the Sustainability Network, and PGgrowth. 

Applications to participate in the 2019 NEOC Award program are now being accepted at http://neoc.ca


[1] Imagine Canada, "4 Myths About Young People and Non-Profit Work," Blog, August 2016

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