Volunteering takes many forms. From being informed about an issue to providing strategic leadership, all volunteers need to be engaged in a meaningful way. That’s where the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement comes in.
Volunteer Canada designed the Code for organizations that engage volunteers in all levels, from volunteers who help out at one event to volunteers who serve on the board of directors. The Code outlines ten standards to design and implement successful volunteer involvement strategies and practices that meet the needs of the organization and its volunteers.
This reciprocal relationship is at the heart of the two principles that guide the Code: volunteers have rights and they also have responsibilities. This means that organizations recognize that volunteers are vital to accomplishing their mission and provide a supportive environment for their involvement, while holding them accountable for their commitments.
Originally created in 2001, Volunteer Canada has updated the Code to reflect changes to legislation, demographics and the social context. The new 2017 version has a more streamlined format, reducing the number of standards from 14 to 10.
The ten standards of practice for volunteer involvement are:
1. Link volunteer roles to your organization’s mission
2. Integrate volunteers in human resources
3. Put in place an infrastructure to support volunteer involvement
4. Measure and evaluate your volunteer strategy
5. Identify the skills needed for each role and recruit from diverse sources
6. Assess and mitigate potential risks that could result from your volunteer-led program
7. Use a consistent and transparent screening process
8. Organize orientation and training
9. Provide feedback, support and supervision
10. Recognize the contributions of your volunteers
Why should your organization adopt the Code? Well, effective volunteer involvement strategies and practices strengthens your organization’s capacity to meet its mandate and contribute to the community. Adopting the Code also demonstrates your organization’s commitment to engaging and supporting volunteers in a meaningful and responsible way.
Volunteer Canada offers several tools to help your organization adopt the Code:
• Putting the Code into Action: a series of checklists for each of the standards
• Code Audit: an online tool available exclusively to members of Volunteer Canada, that helps assess the effectiveness of your volunteer involvement practices
• Volunteer centres: many offer training in their communities
• List of adoptees: reach out to an organization like yours to learn about their experience
And remember: you don’t need to meet all the standards to adopt the Code. Adopting the Code is a pledge to use the standards as a guide and to continually improve your volunteer involvement practices.
Adopting the Code in a way that is most appropriate to your organization – not all the standards may be relevant to you. Review the Code and your volunteer involvement practices on a regular basis to track your progress, celebrate successes and prioritize areas for improvement.
Strong volunteer involvement practices benefit everyone: volunteers feel valued, organizations advance their missions and the community thrives.
Volunteer Canada provides national leadership and expertise on volunteerism in Canada. To learn more about the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement, visit www.volunteer.ca/ccvi.
Joanna Kaleniecka has a background in the non-profit and public sectors. She currently volunteers with Ottawa Therapy Dogs.