In 2014 Jaime Robson attended her first Timeraiser party, bid 100 volunteer hours, and walked away the winner of a new piece of artwork. Three years later, she attributes that night and the Timeraiser community for reigniting for her passion for giving-back in the community.
“It was inspiring. I instantly fell in love with the model of trading volunteer time for artwork. In a way, my volunteer time prepared me for the most difficult moments and tragedies in my own life. I forever cherish the the smiles and laughs, tears and moments of silence that I shared with strangers who became fast friends. I learned the art of listening, and the gift of witnessing life."
Jaime says the day she picked up her art was bittersweet. She relived all of the emotions, the personal loss she had experienced, and the joys that the year had brought. Her artwork, proudly displayed, serves as a reminder of all of the conversations, challenging moments, and beautiful souls along the way. Now when Jaime looks at her piece of artwork - “Palette_small” by artist Ting Fang - she not only appreciates it for the wonder of the work itself, but all the life-changing memories associated with acquiring it.
Today, Jaime continues to volunteer at Kensington Hospice in Toronto. She is also the Managing Director of Framework Foundation, responsible for hosting Timeraiser parties across Canada and connecting art winners with meaningful volunteer opportunities. In 2017 Timeraiser has had the honour of being selected as a Canada 150 signature project This allows Timeraiser to expand its program to ten parties, one in each province.
This summer, Timeraiser will also launch Online150 allowing Canadians from coast to coast to pledge volunteer hours in their local communities for an original piece of Canadian art.
In 2017, Framework aims to collectively raise more than 150,000 volunteer hours for nonprofits across Canada, connecting Canadians to their communities and the causes they care about. Timeraiser150 has been made possible with the support of The Government of Canada and the Canada 150 Fund. Timeraiser will be hosting 10 parties across all ten provinces during Canada’s sesquicentennial year. Online150 is another way Canadians can participate in Timeraiser and Canada's 150th.