7 proud Canadian moments in 2017

publication date: Dec 31, 2017
author/source: You (with Ann Rosenfield, MBA, CFRE)

Canada and Canadians continue to be leaders in philanthropy. From coast to coast to coast, Canadians are leaders not just here but throughout North America. Here's our top 7 in alphabetical order (we saved a space for your nomination).



AFP Canada reaches maturity. One of the highlights of 2017, was the creation of a distinctly Canadian incorporation. As part of this process, AFP engaged in meaningful consultation and has just elected a pan-Canadian Board. As home to the largest AFP Chapter in the world, it will be great to watch AFP Canada's continued impact in 2018.

Jim Allen wins the Barbara Marion Award. Long-serving fundraiser Jim Allen won the prestigious Barbara Marion award from AFP International in 2017. Jim's service to the profession dates back more than 40 years. Congratulations Jim! 


Jory Pritchard-Kerr, FAHP elected chair for AFP International. Jory Pritchard-Kerr, Executive Director, Collingwood General & Marine Hospital Foundation in Collingwood, ON, was elected Chair for AHP International for 2017/18. Jory, who is a well respected fundraiser will take an already strong association and make it even better.


APRA Canada publishes the first Canadian guide to prospect research. With significant differences in everything from privacy laws to available data, Canada has really neeeded our own guide to prospect research for many years. This impressive collaboration, edited by Tracey Church and Liz Rejman ensures that Canadians have the best of prospect research available to them without having to try to use American techniques and then guess whether they work in Canada.


Two of three of the Blackbaud Partner Global Network award winners were Canadian. Blackbaud gave two of their three annual awards to Canadian companies. JMG Solutions won Technology Partner of the Year while hjc won Solution Provider of the Year. Both companies have been industry leaders for years and it was great to see their accomplishments recognized.

Jim Hilborn became the first non-fundraiser to win the AFP Lifetime achievement award. Hilborn Charity eNews and Civil Sector Press founder, Jim Hilborn won the prestigious Lifetime achievement award thanks to a nomination from Humber College Fundraising Program Coordinator, Denny Young, and noted author and consultant, Gail Picco.

And number 7 is ...  

What do you think? What was one of the Canadian highlights for you in 2017? Post your comments below. 

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