The Blackbaud Index: Canada, it’s here!

publication date: Apr 16, 2014
author/source: Patricia Tynan

Patricia TynanBlackbaud is crunching the numbers from over 250 nonprofits to bring you the most up-to-date monthly giving index in Canada. The new index draws on fundraising information from Canadian nonprofits of all different sizes and across major nonprofit verticals.

Specifically, the overall giving trend line includes data from 276 Canadian nonprofits representing $692.5 million in annual revenue. Just as impressive is the online fundraising trend line, which displays revenue for 219 Canadian nonprofits representing $154.3 million in revenue. 

Blackbaud created the index to provide Canadian fundraisers with up-to-date data and fundraising trends to help guide fundraising efforts. Going forward, the Blackbaud Index – Canada will be updated on the first business day of each month. You can visit the index here.    

How does the Blackbaud Index Canada work?

Each month, Blackbaud uses giving statistics from the databases of participating Canadian organizations to determine how much money was raised in the prior month. All fundraising activities are included such as direct mail, telemarketing, personal fundraising, email, online contributions, mobile giving, events of all sizes, and major and deferred gifts. Pledges, in-kind donations and stock gifts are not included. 

Each monthly data point you see on the index is actually a three-month moving average of year-over-year percent changes in revenue. Each three-month period is compared to the same three months from the prior year. The three-month moving average was used to make the index less sensitive to small changes in annual campaigns and activities. For more information on how the index works, visit this page.

How is it valuable?

The Blackbaud Index – Canada is a valuable, interactive tool for you to benchmark your organization’s monthly and yearly performance. You can even put your organization’s fundraising data into the tool to map your performance against the index. Use the Blackbaud Index to set higher goals and challenge your organization to increase fundraising revenue at a similar pace as the index. Even better, try and outperform it! If you don’t have a good idea of your own organization’s giving trends, use the Blackbaud Index – Canada to identify nationwide peaks and valleys in fundraising.

For example, you may want to plan to launch a campaign during February because it is a slower time and there is a greater chance that your donors will take notice of your appeal. However, keep in mind that the index is just a reference tool; it’s what you decide to do after reviewing the numbers that will really impact your organization’s performance. 

To learn more about the Blackbaud Index - Canada and to read insights from Canadian thought leaders, download the special report here.

Patricia Tynan is a Senior Channel Marketing Manager at Blackbaud. She is an active volunteer serving as vice president of the board of directors for Front Steps, a nonprofit working to end homelessness in Austin, Texas, and member at large for the Central Texas World Future Society.  Patricia holds an M.T. in Strategic Foresight from the University of Houston and a BA in Government from The University of Texas in Austin.

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