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Excerpt | Viral Foresight - Exploring the COVID19 Change Imperative

publication date: Jul 8, 2020
author/source: Ken Balmer

This “thought provoker” was written in May 2020 when much of the world was longing to return to “normal”. Simultaneously, there were rumblings that our past behaviours were actually the problem and that COVID-19 was just the visible tip of a large, dysfunctional iceberg. The question should not be “When can we return to normal?” but rather: “Which aspects of normal should be nurtured and which should be discarded as we move together into the future?”

My bias disclosed: the wise will consider the lessons of our pandemic experience and begin the process of purposefully shifting away from behaviours and systems that weaken us. If we prove to be astute, we will commit to moving consciously and aggressively towards strategies that build sustainability and resilience.

Before COVID-19, many of the more fortunate among us believed and acted as if it was “all good”. We were in collective denial about dysfunctions related to social equity, housing, food security, climate change, biodiversity and government competence. Events in the first half of 2020 have opened our eyes. In broad terms, we learned that the systems that failed us in our moment of crisis were the same ones that brought us to this point — on our knees, unprepared, uncoordinated, forced to invent something better on the fly.

COVID-19 has disrupted our way of life, our communities, our businesses and our governments. Our financial security, our supply chains, our mobility, our liberties all changed almost overnight. We do NOT want this to happen again.

It’s like a combination of Humpty Dumpty and the Emperor with No Clothes. The problem is now apparent, but what will the solution look like? How will we assemble the broken pieces into the puzzle of a better future? What will our new, sustainable wardrobe look like? This is indeed an opportunity to craft something better.

Ken Balmer has a PhD in planning and founded RETHINK in 1978. He has personally served each client listed on this website, engaged in each and every listed project. Ken has consciously balanced his consulting career with ventures into the real world of management responsibility:

Manager, City of Calgary in four areas: corporate planning, planning/development, recreation operations and management services (8 years)

Executive Director, Kitchener-Waterloo YMCA (2 years)

Manager, Research and Policy Section, federal Ministry of State for Urban Affairs (2 years).

He has been responsible for capital budgets of over $130 million and operating budgets as high as $38 million. Ken has taught public policy, planning and statistics/research methodology at three univerities: Waterloo, Carlton and Liverpool. He has served on the national boards of the Royal Life Saving Society and the Canadian Parks/Recreation Association (president). Locally, he has been an active Board member of a Social Planning Council (KW), YMCA (KW), Boys and Girls Club (Calgary) and Fort Calgary. He was a founder of both the Alberta and Canadian Snowboarding Associations.

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ISBN 9781927375587

Civil Sector Press 2020


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