Fellowship in inclusion and philanthropy program

publication date: Sep 23, 2015
author/source: Sahar Vermezyari

Sahar VermezyariA few short months ago the Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP) Foundation for Philanthropy – Canada launched a first-of-its-kind program in Ontario: the "Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy" program.  This program was developed as a result of some pointed questions being asked in regards to the fundraising profession and cultural diversity: Who is missing from the picture?  What would enrich the work further? A series of conferences held with several communities told AFP that the fundraising profession needs to better reflect the communities we serve; to create more opportunities for underrepresented groups, and to expand our understanding of fundraising best practices.

These principles have formed the cornerstones of the new Fellowship program.  With funding from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration’s Partnership Project Office, the Fellowship program will offer inclusion-oriented education, specialized training, networking activities and one-on-one mentorship for 35 Ontario-based emerging and mid-level nonprofit professionals representing a wide range of diverse identities and interests.

A team effort

I am very proud to be the Program Manager for this new ground-breaking program. I work with a group of dedicated senior volunteers as well as a supportive AFP staff team to lead this exciting program.  The response we have received from our funding supporter, Ontario Chapters, senior AFP volunteers, and the general fundraising sector has been incredible.  

When I attended Fundraising Day in Toronto last May, I was lucky enough to meet many people who shared with me their experiences and echoed what we had been thinking and hearing all along: a program such as the "Fellowship in Inclusion and Philanthropy" is much needed, and will make a great impact in the social profit sector.  

Throughout the spring of this year, we were able to widely promote the program, and we received an incredible 48 applications! The applicants came from diverse backgrounds but they all shared a passion for philanthropy and a desire to further their understanding of diversity and gain strategies for improving inclusion. Through a very competitive process, and with the help of a volunteer selection committee we selected 35 Fellows, and have extended the Fellowship to those individuals. 

The program

This program offers many opportunities, to which the Fellows might otherwise not have access.  Over the course of eight months, each Fellow will receive the following:

□   Complimentary 1 year membership from AFP

□   Full scholarships to 6 AFP professional development and education opportunities, including the Fundraising Day conference, 3-day fundraising Congress, Fundamentals of Fundraising and 3 webinars.

□   Full scholarship to customized diversity and inclusion sessions

□   One-on-one senior level mentorship

□   Opportunity to develop organizational policies and practices on diversity and inclusion

□   Support from the Program Manager throughout the Fellowship

□   A Certificate of Inclusive Leadership from AFP upon completion of the program

The individuals who will trail-blaze this new program are passionate, thoughtful, determined, and community-minded. I want to take this opportunity to congratulate and welcome the 2015 Inclusion and Philanthropy Fellows.Please click here for pictures and to read more about each Fellow.

This program is AFP Foundation for Philanthropy Canada’s leadership initiative, and it will further develop the fundraising landscape by building a pipeline of leaders that reflects the diversity of our communities in Ontario.

We are excited to see where this program takes us, the lessons we will learn, and the impact it will have on the social profit sector.  Please follow our journey by visiting our webpage: www.afpinclusivegiving.ca and signing up for our e-mail updates.  You can also follow us on social media.  Like us (Inclusive Giving) on Facebook and follow us on Twitter @InclusiveGiving. 

Sahar Vermezyari holds a Master’s in Social Work from University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Social Work from Ryerson University. She has worked for over 10 years in the not-for-profit sector in a variety of settings and positions. Sahar has been working on making social change and her passion for working within the social profit sector comes from her own experience of being a refugee and immigrant as well as growing up in a service-oriented home. Sahar is also a volunteer Dance Instructor and Event Coordinator for Tabriz Music and Dance Ensemble in Toronto.

If you would like to become a mentor to a program Fellow, or have any further questions or comments, please contact Sahar at diversityfellowship@afpnet.org.


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