FUNDRAISING | Six Tips to Increase Your Monthly Donations

publication date: Feb 22, 2023
author/source: Philip Manzano

At CanadaHelps, we have the unique vantage point of monitoring giving trends as Canada’s largest online donation and fundraising platform. Recently, we have seen monthly donations increase, raising more than $38 million in 2022, an increase of 11% from the year prior.  

Monthly giving is an important part of the fundraising landscape, and as charity leaders, it is important to think about how you can further engage your donors and increase recurring giving. The benefits of monthly gifts include:

  • a reliable stream of income,
  • improved cash flow and ability to budget,
  • easier to track donor retention, and
  • it allows your supporters to better budget their finances.

Implementing the following six strategies will ensure that your monthly giving program is a success. 

1. Provide an easy donation process

Make sure that your donation process is simple and straightforward. Make monthly giving a clear option on your “Ways to Give” page so that donors have a clear understanding that monthly donations are a viable option to support your cause. Be sure to use clear calls to action like “Make a difference today” or “Make a difference year-round” to make things clear between a monthly gift and a one-time donation.

2. Make it personal

Show donors that you appreciate their commitment by providing a personalized experience and make sure to include additional information about how their donations have helped those in need. Keep in mind that it’s important to tailor communications to speak directly to the impact the specific fund they are supporting is making.  

Sending personalized “thank you” cards or emails is a great way to make your donors feel appreciated. For example, send photos or videos of people whose lives have been changed by their donations. This will give your donors a sense of connection to your charity’s work, which can help to inspire further giving. Also, invite monthly givers to exclusive events and experiences and provide them with exclusive content, such as stories about how their donations have made a difference. 

3. Give donors an option to increase their gifts

Make it easy for donors to increase their monthly gifts by sending timely reminders or special offers to do so. Whenever having this conversation, lead with gratitude. Thank them for their generosity and let them know about the impact they are making. Explain how expenses or demand for services has increased for your charity. This can make the conversation of an increased gift a bit easier. The donors will feel seen and understand the impact they are making on the challenges your charity is facing.  

4. Target one-time donors who have given multiple times

Making the ask for a monthly gift can be tough, especially if you don’t know who to ask. One great indicator that someone is willing to up their giving is to find out who has given to your cause multiple times. 

Small one-time gifts are more than just boosts to your fundraising goals. They could be a sign that a donor really cares deeply about your cause. They might be ready to support you on a monthly basis. Creating smaller groups based on shared characteristics is called “segmenting.” When you segment your donors into targeted niches, you are able to be specific with the type of things you do to engage them, and one of those ways is “upselling” to a monthly donation. 

5. Leverage social media

Utilize social media to spread the word about your charity and monthly giving program. Use it to reach out to potential donors, and encourage existing donors to share their experiences with you. 

When it comes to monthly donations, social media can be an effective tool for driving engagement. Share stories about the impact of monthly giving and provide reminders to current donors that they can increase their donation amounts. 

6. Participate in "Make It Monthly" this March

There are several resources to help get you started with your monthly giving program. Try Make It Monthly this March, a campaign designed to help charities attract new monthly donors through the use of best practices, campaign-building, and promotional materials. For every new monthly donation that is $20 or more in the month of March, CanadaHelps will make an extra one-time $20 donation to your charity. 

At the end of the day, these tips will help you to give your monthly giving program a boost. Keep in mind that successful donor retention requires effort on an ongoing basis, so make sure to track donor behavior and adjust your strategies accordingly. With regular communication and appreciation for donations, you will be well on your way to building a fruitful and sustainable monthly giving program.


Philip Manzano is a Senior Client Marketing Manager at CanadaHelps, Canada’s largest online fundraising and donation platform that has raised more than $2.5 billion for charities over the last 22 years. Philip has been working closely with charities and small nonprofit teams to adopt nonprofit technology for the last nine years. Learn more,

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