International fundraising think tank is looking for advisors

publication date: Jun 2, 2015
author/source: Kimberley MacKenzie, CFRE

Kimberley MacKenzieIn January 2015, we wrote about a new study coming out of the Plymouth University’s fundraising think tank, Rogare. This piece of research is gathering fundraisers from around the world to take a fresh look at the concept of Relationship Fundraising and determine whether or not the sector is practically applying the concept and if not what could be done about it. You can read the full article here.

In a sector that is struggling to keep up with a fast paced global marketplace, it seems that Rogare is meeting an international need to ask tough questions and perhaps more importantly make a practical difference in connecting theory with practice.

One year ahead of schedule, Rogare announced that, thanks to the support from and collaboration with the Resource Alliance, they intend to expand their advisory panel. They are looking for the best new thinkers in the sector, in particular the global South and North America.

Ian MacQuillin, Rogare’s director, says:

“We are very keen to develop and promote a new generation of fundraising thought leaders whose voices are possibly not currently heard.

“We want to achieve a paradigm shift in the way fundraisers use theory and evidence to tackle the challenges confronting their profession. This is an exciting opportunity for fundraises with excellent critical thinking skills to be part of the movement that delivers this change.

“We’d intended to internationalise the think tank in 2016, but the level of interest from overseas and the support of the Resource Alliance has been such that we are able to do this a year ahead of schedule.”

Laura Boulton, conference and strategy director at the Resource Alliance, says:

“No matter where people are in the world it’s important that we hear from them about the critical issues facing the sector. We’re passionate about having global voices in the room because as Rogare produces their findings, translating those learnings across the world will be key. We're hoping that global voices will offer fresh perspectives on the topics we're exploring and bring different ways of thinking to the group.”

Panel members will disseminate Rogare’s research and other outputs to key audiences, including fundraising practitioners and other potential users of research.

If you are a fundraiser working for a nonprofit, charity or a sole consultant and are interested in helping to shape the nonprofit sector on a global scale you can apply here.

But don’t think about it for too long – the deadline is June 30, 2015.


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