POLL | More than Half of Canadians intend to Donate to Charity this Year

publication date: Nov 28, 2023
author/source: World Vision

Ahead of Giving Tuesday, World Vision Canada, a global relief, development and advocacy organization, commissioned a survey exploring Canadians’ charitable intentions. According to the results, 55% of Canadians intend to make a charitable donation this year despite high inflation and other economic concerns. When asked their motivations for giving to charity, they responded as follows:

  • 30% say they want to make a difference in the world
  • 28% believe it is a meaningful gift
  • 28% say it aligns with their values
  • 26% say it makes them feel good
  • 19% say they do so to receive tax benefits
  • 12% believe it is a more sustainable form of gift giving.

Why give to charity?

  • Of those Canadians who intend to make a charitable donation this year, 60% said they'd prefer to give a charitable gift over traditional material or experiential gifts.

Who is giving?

  • Seniors are more likely to donate than younger demographics. 68% of Canadians aged 65+ intend to give to charity this year vs. 44% of 25-34 year-olds.

Grounded in more than 70 years of experience and expertise, World Vision works alongside communities, supporters, partners and governments to change the way the world works for children, focusing on three specific areas: emergency relief, transformational development and promotion of justice.

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