PRO TIPS | Schedule These Three Appointments to make 2024 Actually Feel Different

publication date: Jan 4, 2024
author/source: Kathy Archer

Do you find yourself diving back into your nonprofit work after the holidays, only to feel that nothing is changed? The to-do list is still a mile long, your agenda is packed, and unexpected crises keep popping up.

How on earth do you break this cycle and ensure that this year brings a real, lasting transformation?

The key lies in intentionally crafting the experience of leadership and life experiences you want. You want more time to think, plan, grow, take care of your team and take care of yourself? To do that, you must schedule what matters.

Stop waiting for time to do what matters most because here’s the thing: wishing, hoping, and praying things will change, won't change them.

  • Don’t tell me you are waiting for the "perfect" time for that course. It's like waiting for a unicorn.
  • Are you thinking things will magically slow down one day? Slowdowns are a myth.
  • Do you wish someone else would conjure up time for you? I hate to break it to you, but it’s not going to happen!

Instead of waiting, create space for what you want.

There are three essential appointments you must add to your daily agenda to help you shift from survival mode to thriving mode, both in leadership and life. These are things you need to make time for each week and, in fact, sometimes each day to lay the foundation for you to be your best self, to give your best to your team and to experience the best of the work you love to do.

1. Schedule in Time for Self-Care

Yes, you read that right—it's the first crucial step. This isn’t about spa days or getting a manicure; it's about the basics. Allocate time for healthy eating and physical activity, and ensure you get a restorative night's sleep.

  • Are lunch breaks blocked in your schedule?
  • Is there a 15-minute slot for an afternoon walk?
  • Do you have an alarm reminding you when it's time to wind down for bed?

These are fundamental starting points. Remember, you can't consistently be at your best if you're neglecting your well-being. This is an absolute necessity!

DO THIS: Schedule time now for daily wellness breaks.

2. Schedule in Time for Self-Reflection

Personal and professional growth necessitates moments of contemplation and introspection. But these moments won’t miraculously appear; you have to create them. It could be during your afternoon stroll, turning off the radio during your drive home for quiet reflection, or dedicating 15 minutes in the morning to journaling. How ever you do it, ensure that “inner work” is a dedicated appointment with yourself.

DO THIS: Schedule time now for daily or weekly blocks of time for self-reflection

3. Schedule in Time for Self-Improvement

This isn't about mandatory training imposed by your organization or sector. It’s about your personal pursuit of learning and growth—something you genuinely look forward to and enjoy. Whether it's sector-related or not, this should be additional to the mandatory requirements. Consider investing time in both personal and professional development (they’re more intertwined than you might think). It could be a webinar, reading time, or online courses you’re enthusiastic about.

But remember, this must be firmly scheduled, not left for "when you have time."

DO THIS: Schedule time now for weekly learning

Intentionally creating 2024 will make it different in a good way. The secret to success in leadership and life lies in intentional wellness and ongoing personal and professional development. These are the things you need to treat as non-negotiables—as important as any other commitment in your day.

To truly transform your leadership and life, prioritize these three essential appointments: self-care, self-reflection, and self-improvement. Schedule them now as recurring appointments with no end date! It’s only by consciously integrating these into your schedule that you'll take a proactive step toward realizing your desired growth and success.

Leadership Development Coach and author Kathy Archer provides ongoing training to grow women leaders in Canada's Non-Profit Organizations.

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