Research | Risk, resilience, and rebuilding communities: The state of Ontario nonprofits three months into the pandemic

publication date: Aug 18, 2020
author/source: The Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO) and the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN)

Three months into the COVID-19 crisis, Ontario’s nonprofits and charities face new challenges and more uncertainty. The impacts on the sector, its workers, volunteers and the communities they serve are becoming more pronounced as the health crisis recedes (for now) and the economic crisis deepens. This strain is in addition to COVID-related mental health needs, increased intimate partner violence, and the growing realization that marginalized communities notably low-income households and racialized communities- have suffered disproportionate effects. The survey highlights that:

  • Government supports - federal and provincial - have failed to recognize the size, scope, and economic impact of the nonprofit sector and have therefore fallen far short of what is needed to help nonprofits through the crisis and into recovery.
  • Over the last three months nonprofits have resorted to a combination of using their reserves, with 35 per cent of nonprofits indicating that they have had to access their reserves, while just under a quarter (22 per cent) of respondents have resorted to pay cuts, with 10 per cent of respondents using personal funds to meet the financial need of their organizations.
  • Piecemeal solutions, although helpful in the short-term, are not working for nonprofits organizations and communities they support.
  • Nonprofits across the province have continued to adapt, working more closely with grassroots organizations and local networks to support those in their communities.
  • More collaboration, flexibility and partnership between nonprofits and governments will be required, especially as all sectors plan for the recovery

To read the entire report, click here

The report summarizes the responses of 1,131 nonprofits and charitable organizations in Ontario, who participated in the online survey from June 16 to June 28, 2020. The survey was open to Ontario nonprofits, charities, grassroots organizations, social enterprises and nonprofit co-operatives with a mission to serve a public benefit, aimed specifically at executive directors and other senior leaders.

About the Ontario Nonprofit Network

ONN is the independent nonprofit network for the 58,000 nonprofits in Ontario, focused on policy, advocacy and services to strengthen Ontario's nonprofit sector as a key pillar of our society and economy. ONN works to create a public policy environment that allows nonprofits to thrive. We engage our network of diverse nonprofit organizations across Ontario to work together on issues affecting the sector and channel the voices of our network to governments, funders, and other stakeholders. Click here for more details.

About the Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario

The Assemblée de la francophonie de l’Ontario (AFO) is the uniting organization and the political voice of Francophones in Ontario. Its mandate is to consult with the francophone community of Ontario and serve as its spokesperson. It most notably strives to promote and defend the rights of 744 000 Franco-Ontarians. Click here for more details.

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