SERIES | Your Roadmap to Year-End Success, Part 4

publication date: Oct 1, 2024
author/source: Nicole Barghiel

Securing donors through your end-of-year campaign is a huge win, but what if you could make their contributions go twice as far?

Matching gift commitments amplify the power of every donation, especially during end-of-year fundraising when everyone’s in the spirit of giving. “Matches” give donors that extra nudge. It’s like saying “Hey, your contribution to this cause matters so much that someone else is willing to match it and make your contribution go even further.”

To get your organization started on matching gifts, follow these four steps:

  1. Look for major donors or companies with a history of philanthropy or a connection to your cause. Then, present how their matching gift can amplify their impact. For example, “a $10,000 match can help us raise $20,000 to provide clean water to communities in need!” Highlight how you will acknowledge their generosity, e.g. featuring them in your annual report or on your website.
  2. It’s key to create a sense of urgency to inspire immediate action. Time-limited challenges not only add excitement but also encourage donors to give promptly. An example would be: "for the next 72 hours, every donation will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to $50,000! This means your $50 donation becomes $100. Don’t miss this chance to make twice the difference!"
  3. Don’t forget to leverage your communications channels. To maximize participation, it’s crucial to promote your matching gifts and challenges through every available owned channel your charity has. Whether you’re using email or social media, make sure all communications carry a uniform message and have eye-catching visuals that convey urgency and excitement. If possible, share testimonies from previous matching gift participants to illustrate the program’s success.
  4. Finally, who doesn’t appreciate recognition for their good deeds? Acknowledging and thanking your donors helps to maintain strong relationships and encourages future contributions. You can express your gratitude by sending personalized thank you emails or letters, or by acknowledging their contributions on your social media channels.

In a nutshell, matching gifts turn good vibes into great results, making your end-of-year campaign feel more powerful and rewarding for everyone involved!

Learn more about this process in "CanadaHelps’ Ultimate End-of-Year Campaign Guide" eBook, which includes a detailed six-month timeline for end-of-year giving. This practical resource will help you to craft effective strategies and understand donor behaviour, so you can reach your goals.

Read Part 1, Planning and preparation.
Read Part 2, Make your donor feel connected to your cause even after the holiday season ends.
Read Part 3, Get your donors on board.

Naomi Barghiel is a Communications Specialist at CanadaHelps, Canada’s largest online giving and fundraising platform in Canada.

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