SPONSORED | Leverage Broadcast Text Messages to Transform Your Special Event

publication date: Sep 27, 2023
author/source: Mike Snusz

In today's rapidly evolving landscape of nonprofit fundraising, events play a pivotal role in engaging supporters, generating donations, and fostering lasting relationships. However, as technology advances, nonprofit strategies must adapt to maximize event impact. One strategy gaining significant traction is the utilization of broadcast text messages. This article explores how nonprofits can leverage broadcast text messages to transform and elevate their event experiences.

What are broadcast text messages?

Before diving into the benefits of broadcast text messages for nonprofit events, it's essential to understand their nature. Broadcast text messages are bulk messages efficiently sent to a wide group of recipients. These messages are remarkably effective because they reach supporters directly on their mobile devices. Because text messages have a 99% open rate, it also ensures immediate visibility. The simplicity of text messaging makes it an ideal channel for engaging event attendees.

Enhancing event engagement

Whether your goals are raising funds at a 5k race or encouraging registrations via text, there are so many ways to enhance event engagement.

Fostering Anticipation: Nonprofits can harness broadcast text messages to create excitement and anticipation leading up to the event. Sending teaser messages about event highlights, guest speakers, or the overall impact of participation can pique curiosity and drive higher attendance.

Efficient Event Reminders: In our hectic lives, it's easy to forget about upcoming events. Broadcast text messages serve as valuable reminders, reducing no-show rates by delivering essential details like venue addresses and schedules a day or two before the event.

Streamlined Ticket Sales and Registration: For events requiring ticket sales or registrations, text messages can streamline the process. Nonprofits can send registration links or ticket purchase forms via text, offering a user-friendly experience that boosts conversion rates.

Real-time engagement during the event

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that texts can only be useful for pre-event engagement. Supporters will feel valued and appreciate the up-to-date information shared via text during the event. For instance, you could send a text message that is:

Live Event Updates: Broadcast text messages shine during the event itself. Nonprofits can use texts to provide real-time updates, including agenda changes, announcements, and exclusive content, keeping attendees engaged and informed throughout.

Interactive Polls and Surveys: Engaging attendees through real-time polls or surveys allows nonprofits to gather valuable insights and make participants feel involved. Sending poll questions via text and displaying live results fosters community and interaction.

Auction Engagement: For events featuring auctions, nonprofits can leverage broadcast text messages to alert attendees about items up for bid, bid increments, and final bidding minutes. This creates urgency and encourages active participation.

Post-event follow-up and appreciation

Sending post-event messages is an important part of relationship-building with your constituents. Here are a few examples of what you could send after your event:

Gratitude through Texts: After the event, nonprofits can send heartfelt thank you messages to attendees through broadcast text messages. This personal touch conveys appreciation and reinforces the organization's commitment to its supporters.

Collecting Feedback: Gathering feedback is crucial for improving future events. Nonprofits can send post-event surveys via text messages to understand attendee preferences and areas for enhancement, driving data-driven improvements.

Highlighting Impact: Sharing the event's impact with attendees via text messages is essential. Updates on funds raised, their utilization, and the difference their participation made reinforce a sense of accomplishment and encourage ongoing support.

Best practices for implementing broadcast text messages

To maximize the potential of broadcast text messages for nonprofit events, organizations should consider the following best practices:

  • Build a Subscriber List: Create a dedicated subscriber list of event attendees and supporters who have opted in to receive messages while ensuring compliance with text messaging regulations.
  • Segment Your Audience: Segment the list to send targeted messages based on attendee preferences, interests, or past interactions with the organization.
  • Personalize Messages: Use merge tags to personalize messages with recipients' names, adding a human touch to text communications.
  • Timing Considerations: Send messages at appropriate times, factoring in time zones and the event's nature, while avoiding excessive message frequency.
  • Calls to Action: Include a clear call to action in each message, whether it's for registration, donations, or poll participation.
  • Opt-Out Option: Always provide recipients with an easy way to opt out of receiving messages, respecting their preferences.

In today's dynamic world of nonprofit fundraising events, broadcast text messages have emerged as a versatile and impactful tool. From building anticipation before the event to engaging attendees in real-time and fostering post-event relationships, text messages have the potential to elevate every aspect of the event experience. By adhering to best practices and leveraging the immediacy of texting, nonprofits can create memorable and successful events that drive their missions forward.

P.S. You can also view our latest webinar on the Digital Outlook Report!

With 20 years of fundraising experience, Mike Snusz currently works as the Director of Nonprofit Experience at Tatango. His goal is to help nonprofits maximize the impact text marketing can have to raise more money.

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