Pro Tip | Time for Boards to act

publication date: Jun 18, 2020
author/source: Ann Rosenfield

Does your Board act like a deer in the lights of an oncoming truck? Frozen in fear? Unable to move?

These are scary days. We live in complicated and confusing times. But the absolutely worst decision your Board can make right now is to do nothing. This is a difficult time which is exactly why you need to be sure to weigh your decisions carefully. But making thoughtful choices does not mean doing nothing.

In times of upheaval, your strategic plan and mission should be your guide-star. Since you spent lots of time to determine your priorities, this is exactly the moment to use them - you need some sort of litmus test for what to do. These are your best guiding principles. Right now when it is hard to prioritize, your strat plan will help you make sound decisions.

This is a great moment to try new things at low risk. We are living in an era of change and this is a once in a lifetime moment to try new things. Given how much is up-in-the-air, this is an ideal chance to figure out new ways to keep your mission promise but deliver your services in new ways. As a leader, you have an unique chance to try things without facing criticism for abandoning the past.

Some Boards are so afraid of doing something wrong, they are making the worst decision of all - do nothing. While it can be tempting to take a "wait and see" approach, by staying out of doing anything, you are missing a chance to innovate and stay relevant. 

Ann Rosenfield is the editor of Hilborn Charity eNews and works as a fundraiser. She is lucky to work and volunteer with great Boards. Some of her friends are not so lucky. 

Image by via Pexels

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