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Top ten posts of 2015

publication date: Dec 29, 2015
author/source: Kimberley MacKenzie, CFRE

Happy New Year!

Reflecting back on 2015, we find much to be grateful for. Top of mind is the deep gratitude we feel for all eighty-four of the volunteers who wrote for Hilborn Charity eNEWS this past year.

These professionals, who freely offered their insights and wisdom, share our commitment to making sure you have the resources, tools and inspiration you need to do your jobs better. We simply can’t thank them enough.

The top ten posts from 2015 demonstrate your appetite for new voices and new ways of thinking. A special congratulations to the contributors who caught your attention this past year.

Top ten posts in 2015 

The fundraising leadership crisis – is it real?  - Rory Green

7 things you can ask a first-time donor to do before asking for money – Andrew Littlefield

Student research spots a flaw in planned giving perceptions – Kimberley MacKenzie

Three opportunities for compelling storytelling on your website – Tina de los Santos

13-step process to build and strengthen your mid-level giving program – Maeve Strathy

So you think you want to crowdfund? – Allie Kosela

Are you ready for the April 21st Google bombshell? – Todd Jamieson

How to write when you have nothing to say – Susan Fish

Do your homework when choosing a charity – Kimberley MacKenzie

How do you solve a problem like millennials? – Josh Bowman

You can see the full list of Hilborn Charity eNEWS contributors here. It simply can’t be said enough; we are very grateful for their generosity.

In the coming year, Hilborn Charity eNEWS will continue to serve you by publishing original, relevant and timely articles every Thursday.  These articles are emailed to approximately 14,000 subscribers. had 79,740 visits in 2015 by over 55,365 unique visitors. Consider sharing your voice.- We welcome new contributors .

Looking ahead

Our goal for 2016 is to contribute to a reality where charities are able to be nimble and respond quickly to the ever-changing demands being placed on them. Our hope is to inspire you to invest in growth and to tackle issues like leadership, donor acquisition, corporate sponsorship, social change and innovation in bold new ways. 

Thank you for travelling with us on that journey. From all of us on the Hilborn Charity eNEWS team we wish you a very prosperous and stable 2016.

From left to right: Lisa MacDonald, Managing Editor, Jim Hilborn, Founder, Mary Singleton, Client Services Director, Noel Draper, Director of Sales and Kimberley MacKenzie, Editor.



Kimberley MacKenzie



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