After a couple of years of hemming and hawing, I finally decided that obtaining my Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) International certification was a priority. To make the exam prep less onerous and a bit more fun, I joined up with a couple of my fundraising peers and we got down to business.
One of our dear fundraising colleagues – already a Certified Fundraising Executive herself – kindly offered to chair our three member study group. She got us organized with the CFRE exam outline and reading list, provided moral support, and quizzed us on various material.
Starting last spring, we began meeting once a month to discuss the latest books we’d read from the official CFRE reading list and spent some time mulling over the ideas and concepts, often walking away with a more in-depth understanding or a new and different way of thinking. And of course we’d end every meeting by swapping book summaries, and sharing laughs (and chocolate brownies) along the way.
I’m proud to share with you that I completed (and passed) the CFRE exam the second week of March!
While all of this is still fresh in my mind, I thought I’d share the top four things I learned (okay, re-learned) studying for my CFRE in the hopes that some of this will resonate with you, too.
1. Fundraising is absolutely about people first
The wonderful donors and prospective donors we meet, the sponsors, beneficiaries, board members and volunteers – all of the professional relationships we enjoy that make our lives richer.
2. We are lucky to work in such a compelling and challenging sector
As fundraisers, we are privileged to have the opportunity to meet so many amazing and courageous people and work with and for so many wonderful organizations. Our days may be long and our budgets short, but we work in one of the only sectors where love, compassion, empathy and altruism make up the core values.
3. Ethics and accountability are what guide us day to day
Ethical principles govern our work as fundraisers and ethical decision making determines how we govern ourselves.
There are five important principles that fundraisers must abide by and these are: Honesty, Respect, Integrity, Empathy and Transparency. The International Statement of Ethical Principles in Fundraising unites the global fundraising community and protects the integrity of our profession. Our donors, prospects, and the general public also hold specific rights with respect to the non-profit organizations they support, and these are outlined in the Donor Bill of Rights.
There is also a set of Accountability Standards for those certified by CFRE International which focuses exclusively on the actions and principles related to CFRE certification and the certification process.
4. It’s a good idea to break up your study sessions
Here are a few bonus tips (in no particular order)
In my humble opinion, the whole CFRE process is made out to be a much scarier undertaking than it actually is. Of course you need to be prepared and for most of us that means some kind of structured studying, but please don’t let that experience scare you off.
If you already hold the CFRE certification, congratulations! If you’re thinking about it and just need that little push, consider it done.
After more than 10 years in the nonprofit sector helping to raise money for various worthy charities, Heather Brown, CFRE decided to join the Good Works team and put her experience to work to help Good Works’ clients reach their fundraising goals. She’s passionate about direct mail and legacy marketing and strives to help her clients make a positive impact on the community. Contact Heather at