Independent Canadian news and analysis for the nonprofit sector

A journey of transformation: just the beginning

publication date: Sep 4, 2013
author/source: Christina Hemens

After our summer together, your (Me)volution has truly just begun. With all the different steps outlined from compulsion to empowerment, it seems as if anyone can do it. And anyone can.Christina Hemens photo

All world leaders have gone through their own personal (me)volution journey. They started just as you, with a compulsion to change something. Whether it is big or small, they empowered enough people to take action that the world knows them and respects them as leaders.

That can be you and it will be you. Maybe your compulsion won’t be recognized on a world scale, but it will be recognized on a familial, professional, community or national scale. Even if these articles have moved you to make a small step then they have been successful.

Go back to the roots

Why were these articles helpful for your organization? Because they reminded you to go back to the building blocks; back to where your organization came from. They allowed you to re-appreciate your founder’s vision and share that passion with your organization’s community.

Think about every organization you have ever worked or volunteered with. Do you understand the original reason why they opened their doors? It seems so simple, so basic and yet, it is something many of us do not know. Why am I here, working for this organization? Take a moment and find out. Afterwards appreciate your actions because they have empowered others to create change.

This is not just about your organization. (Me)volution is about YOU. It is about deciding to take small actions to make big differences. Your journey will ultimately be personal and your compulsion will act as your guide. But no one can create change alone. Look around; you have family, friends, colleaues and your community to support you. Share your compulsion so that great change will come.

After reading these articles you can now consider (me)volution part of your community. Use the (me)volution steps to work through your journey or to provide you with a solution to your problem. Let our community help empower your compulsion.

(Me)volution is an era that our world is living in. We no longer just take, we give back as much as we take. “And if (me)volution is about you, it is also about the transformation that you have the potential to achieve, should you choose to.” What will your gift to our world be? What will you give back?

Connect with the (Me)volution community on Facebook, Twitter or their blog.

Christina Hemens was drawn to philanthropy while growing up in Muskoka, Ontario. At Concordia University in Montreal, she honed her philanthropic spirit and passion for fundraising. After completing her post-graduate certification in Fundraising and Volunteer Management from Humber College she is now Marketing and Communications Coordinator at (Me)volution, where she is able to create a positive difference in her lifetime.

Contact her through @ChristinaHemens or by email.

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