It's time to have a frank discussion about charities and
their administrative and fundraising costs.
Over the past decade, the increasing focus on a charity's cost of doing business - and
yes, charities are in the business of societal betterment - has forced the entire
charitable sector to defend itself against a rash of naïve accusations.

While there is no doubt that a few bad apples have found
their way into the sector, the fact remains that over 85,000 other charities
are doing precisely the work that most of us admire: feeding the needy, housing
the homeless, nursing the sick and educating the young. Why some choose to
focus their energy on the rotten apples rather than the orchard of vibrant ones
is, sadly, a product of our negative media culture.
Sector is Canada's
most valuable resource
Our charitable sector is perhaps our great country's most
valuable resource. It places human decency and kindness above all else. It is
not surprising then that the charitable sector has reacted to the recent focus
on its cost structure with politeness, diplomacy and tact.
The sector has (correctly) pointed out that evaluating a
charity's fundraising cost ratio might very well reflect its fundraising
efficiency, but may have little correlation to a charity's ability to achieve
its mission (that is, its impact on societal betterment).
The problem is that measuring a charity's impact is
difficult and subjective, while measuring fundraising efficiency is relatively
simple. In the final analysis, however, impact is really the only thing that
truly matters.
I'm not saying that the charitable sector is entirely off
the hook. In fact, until now, the sector has been too willing to tolerate the
use of fundraising and administrative costs as the only appropriate metrics,
when it knows full well they are not. The sector needs to take a positive
approach to marketing its impact, while promoting more appropriate metrics
around societal betterment.
Analysis from the
business world
I work for an investment management company (although admittedly,
I'm no investment expert). When portfolio managers analyze companies, they look
at a variety of factors before they decide to invest. First, they crunch the
numbers from absolutely every angle. Second, they look at other less tangible
factors-the company's management team, its products and services, etc. Third,
they look at the company's secular context-its competitors, the industry in
which it operates and even broader local and global economic inputs.
In other words, their analysis is not just a simple
numerical one but one that incorporates broader judgment. (It should be noted
that the numerical analysis itself is a comprehensive one and certainly doesn't
focus only on a single area of a company's finances.)
Ask the right
For the sake of argument, let's say our investment analysts
are evaluating three companies:
Coal Mining Company
Furniture Manufacturer
Software Developer
Production Costs
Marketing Costs
Administration Costs
Total Costs
Net Profit
Cost Efficiency (Profit as a Percentage of Overall
It is recognized that these terms are not necessarily the ones used to describe
the item in a company's financial statement
I presented this scenario to a few of our highly
sophisticated portfolio managers and asked them which company they would select
as an investment. Not surprisingly, they had a number of questions:
me a bit about the management teams and the quality of board governance and
oversight at each company.
are their revenue and profit trends? How
did they do last year and in the years before that?
do the other numbers look like? What about the balance sheet?
they diversified?
long have they been in business?
kind of furniture is being manufactured? What kind of software is being
Where are they doing business?
They had about 75 additional questions, some focusing on
numbers, others focusing on more qualitative factors. At the end of the
exercise, they told me they would invest in the company with the greatest
As one senior portfolio manager told me, "If I were looking
at a company, I would be looking at the trend of that market and I would be
focused on the potential for growth." So
while the numbers are part of the analysis, they are understood in a broader
Values drive giving,
even for analysts
Let's take a similar analysis and extend it to charities.
Women's Shelter
International Development Agency
Community College
Fundraising Costs
Administration Costs
Total Costs
"Profit" - (Funds left to deliver programs and
Cost Efficiency (Profit as a Percentage of Overall
I asked the same portfolio managers which charity would be
more likely to attract their donation. They unanimously responded with a blank
and befuddled stare. One asked me why he would donate to a community college
when he never attended one. Another said he'd prefer to direct his donations
within Canada rather than outside of the country. A third told me that she had
volunteered at a shelter and would definitely choose it over the other two.
There was no analysis-no focus on profit or efficiency.
Their decision was a thoughtful one, but it was based on personal values around
philanthropy and volunteerism rather than on quantitative factors. The choice
was a seemingly simple one-so I decided to make it more difficult.
It's never "apples to
Women's Shelter A
Women's Shelter B
Women's Shelter C
Fundraising Costs
Administration Costs
Total Costs
"Profit" - (Funds left to deliver programs and
Cost Efficiency (Profit as a Percentage of Overall
As donors and media consumers, we've been led to believe
that Shelter A is "better" than Shelter B, which in turn is better than Shelter
C. But our sophisticated portfolio managers are quite astute even on matters
relating to philanthropy. More questions arose when I asked them which charity
would be their preference.
communities do they serve?
they all serve only women or women and children?
do they help these women acclimatize back to the community and find supportive
they provide both short- and long-term support systems?
They also asked other numerical
questions, especially around how these numbers trended with previous years.
The focus on immediate fundraising and administrative costs
virtually ignores answers to these important questions. If Shelter C is the
only organization serving both women and children, shouldn't that be
important? If Shelter B were the only
one serving your community, wouldn't you choose that one over the others?
Perhaps Shelter C wishes to purchase a newer, safer building, potentially
increasing its fundraising costs.
There are countless other potential variables, all of which
speak louder than a narrow focus on fundraising and administrative costs. A
pure focus on the sector's cost efficiency belittles the importance of
charities and the work that they do.
Time to stand up and
Those that work closely with the charitable sector know that
it doesn't stand on a soapbox and shout about the wonderful work it does. It
just isn't the type. Instead, it does its job proudly and quietly, like your
trusted colleague who always gets the job done quickly and properly with no
Perhaps charities need to respond more vociferously to those
who diminish their importance by focusing primarily on administration and
fundraising costs. Until then, they will be forced to defend themselves from
those who devalue the importance of the entire sector.
Brad Offman is VP, Strategic Philanthropy at
Mackenzie Investments.