Celebrating Family Day with family volunteers

publication date: Feb 19, 2018
author/source: Volunteer Canada

With conflicting and busy schedules, it can be challenging for families to find time for each other. Some provinces celebrate Family Day, encouraging Canadians to spend time with their families.

Many families take this day to, not only spend time together, but to give back to the community at the same time.

Volunteering as a family is a way to pass on the value of community and instill the importance of giving back in children. Children who volunteer are more likely to grow up to volunteer as adults.

According to the 2013 General Social Survey, the volunteer rate among Canadians with children between the ages of six and 17 is 59 per cent - compared to 38 per cent among Canadians with no children. Family Day is an opportunity for organizations to tap in to this unique group of volunteers and foster lifelong volunteers.

Two thirds of Canadians do not volunteer because of lack of time. Families are no different. Scheduling is one of the biggest challenges for family volunteers. Casual, one-off activities are a great way to introduce families to volunteering. Virtual activities can be useful for long-term engagement, giving families the flexibility to fulfill tasks from home and on their own schedule.

Breaking down the barriers families face in getting involved helps create an environment that family volunteers can thrive in - to the benefit of them and the organization. When engaging families, organizations should be:

  • Flexible, in terms of activities and scheduling
  • Informative, letting families know what to expect and if they need to bring anything
  • Welcoming, to volunteers of different ages and interests
  • Safe, offering family-friendly activities that take into account client confidentiality and sensitivities and the need for childcare
  • Nurturing, helping families pass on values
  • Appreciative, recognizing all members of the family for their efforts

As with all volunteer engagement, volunteer roles for families should meet the needs of both the volunteers and the organization. Get to know the family as a unit and as individuals to match them with appropriate and meaningful activities.

Although families prefer activities that their children can actively participate in, there is a spectrum of family volunteer activities:

  • Activities for older family members while young children are supervised
  • Distinct activities for children that are short and simple
  • Activities grouped by age or ability
  • Activities that a family can do together

To get your organization started, here are 10 volunteer activity ideas for families, which can be done as a family or in groups of different ages or abilities:

1. Clean up or organize

2. Prepare or serve refreshments

3. Take photos

4. Run a registration table

5. Fundraise

6. Make decorations

7. Stuff kits or welcome bags

8. Organize a clothing or food drive

9. Orient new families

10. Visit vulnerable community members

Family volunteers bring enthusiasm, creativity and a variety of skills with them. Engaging families helps strengthen your organization's ties to the community, while turning children into lifelong volunteers. Learn more about engaging family volunteers at volunteer.ca.

Volunteer Canada provides national leadership and expertise on volunteerism in Canada. To learn more about the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement, visit www.volunteer.ca/ccvi.

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