Two simple strategies to raise more money without sending more mail

publication date: Feb 21, 2018
author/source: Brady Josephson

Direct mail isn’t dead but it certainly isn't as effective as it once was. That doesn’t mean you should stop doing it but rather you should be looking at new ways to optimize it. And the easiest way to help your direct mail program without just sending more mail or renting (poor) lists is to move towards a multichannel fundraising approach.

Here’s why (looking at average donor value by channel from our benchmark client group):


You’ll see that offline only donors are ‘worth’ more than online only but when communication and giving is multichannel, the results are incredible:

  • Offline donors who simply receive email communication give 90% more
  • Donors who give online and offline give 3x more than those who give offline or online only

That’s the value of integrated fundraising — using online and offline communications with a similar message.

And it’s not just about money today (looking at retention rates by channel from same client group):


Donors who just receive emails are more likely to give to your organization again and if they give online and offline they are 56% more likely to support you again the next year.

The strategy then is pretty simple:

  1. Collect and send email and
  2. Encourage offline and online giving

1. Collect and send email

Some easier ways to get email from your offline donors include:

  • Adding an email field on the direct response card used in mail or at events,
  • Having donors at events register with an email to attend, and
  • Appending all old records with new emails as they come in.

In terms of getting new emails from people (who may or not already be getting your direct mail), the first thing you need to do is think about the value you are offering to people when they sign up. This is called your offer.

Then you’ll want to create a high converting email acquisition landing page. This should be its own page, free of other calls to action and distractions, focused on the value or offer with an easy to use form.

Now you want to get people there so make it easy for people to click a link from your home page or in your website footer. Then consider asking people to sign up from Facebook or even use a small budget on Facebook ads to get more emails.

2. Encourage offline donors to also give online Send out stories, updates, and news via email leading up to your fundraising campaign (this is called priming) and then send an email asking for funds similar to your direct mail appeal.

Test this for yourself, but don’t be afraid of a longer, simpler, totally undesigned email — much like what I’m guessing your direct mail appeal is like — as this is one of our top five tips that raise more money.

Your email should be clear, compelling, and direct and point to a unique landing page. Not your general donation page!

This is key for two reasons:

  1. You can tailor the message and ask on the donation page to be the same as in the letter and email.
  2. You can track your online donations by direct mail appeal (better, it’s not the easiest thing to track but this helps).

Your ‘campaign donation page’ should be a bit different than your general one because you want people who get the appeal or email to go to the donation page and see the same offer that inspired them. And a separate page and URL can make it easier to track these donations so you can see how many offline donors are giving online.

Getting and sending emails to your direct mail donors is a proven way to grow donations not hinder them. So be sure to start collecting and sending more emails throughout the year and giving your direct mail donors more (good) opportunities to give online. Good luck!

Brady is a charity nerd, entrepreneur, digital marketer, professor, and writer. He’s the Vice President of Innovation and Optimization at NextAfter — a fundraising research lab and consultancy on a mission to unleash the most generous generation in the history of the world.

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