Happy 2022! The pandemic hasn’t ended – but we are still here.
And that means that all the issues that were around in 2021 are still here too: there is a greater need for charity support in our communities while we are faced with the reality of limited budgets and dwindling donor files.
I say, don’t let the past drag you down. Now’s the time to think fresh! Think new! To borrow a line from Apple, think different!
Make the resolution to take your fundraising and marketing program to the gym for a little workout (I say that metaphorically, of course, but maybe you need something to think about while you’re on that elliptical).
Here’s how to get started.
Review your strategic plan
Do you even have a strategic plan? If you do, blow the dust and cobwebs off and take a read. Are the goals you set still applicable to your organization’s strategic direction? Do you have the tools you need to meet those goals? If not, think about flexibility, and what you can change to ensure you are successful.
Prepare to innovate
Perhaps your budget is being finalized now or soon – can you get a little revenue put aside for a new initiative or two, or reallocate some funds to allow for testing? It’s imperative to try something new in this charitable market that seems to go up and down like a yo-yo. Having the foresight to add an innovation budget line item to your annual plan now will put you ahead of the game, because you’ll be prepared should any opportunities come your way.
Think beyond the tried and true
AFP Congress was less than two months ago. These fantastic sessions included examples of cutting-edge work, inspiration and learning. It’s too easy to stick with the tried and true; that’s what we are used to doing. But there is so much out there – video, online, social – you name it. They all work hand-in-hand to raise awareness and money.
Take it to action
Don’t just think about it, do it! Get the key players involved early on; get the buy-in from other areas of the organization so they can see the value of what you’re proposing. If it fits with your strategic direction, you have the budget and the idea; there is no time to waste. Plus, if you can initiate your innovations early, you have the remainder of the year to rollout any successes.
Liz Attfield is Vice President, Strategic Services at Stephen Thomas Ltd.