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Twitter for Good - Change the world one tweet at a time

publication date: Feb 16, 2012
author/source: Lisa MacDonald
With more than 200 million users worldwide Twitter has established itself as a dynamic force, one that every business and nonprofit must understand to use effectively. But how do you find time and where do you start? As a newbie Twitter user myself, I know that the idea can be overwhelming.  I recommend beginning with Twitter for Good by Claire Díaz-Ortiz, Head of Social Innovation and Philanthropy for Twitter, Inc.

Díaz-Ortiz has developed a five-step framework that will instruct any organization in the ways to develop and employ innovative Twitter strategies.  Her T.W.E.E.T. framework (Target, Write, Engage, Explore, Track) is fully explained in Twitter for Good, alongside in-depth case studies, key best practices and quick tips. In the author's own words - "this book is for any for-profit or nonprofit company that wants to make a difference and create a movement."

In the Write step of the T.W.E.E.T. model, Díaz-Ortiz shares three lessons for organizations from Kanye West.

·         Bite the bullet: The time interval between Kanye's decision to join Twitter and his first Tweet was brief. Although you are encouraged to spend a bit more time crafting your organizational strategy, Kanye's enthusiasm to get going should be taken to heart. It's time to get started - no matter what the Tweet.

·         Let it all hang out: Kanye doesn't edit himself and (to some extent) neither should you. In the beginning, it's important to send out more information rather than less, and to be more personal than you might like.

·         Fail fast: In efforts to find your feet on Twitter, it's important to try different things (and to do so relatively quickly) to see what your followers respond to. In Kanye's case, his strategy was an immediate success, so he ultimately never turned his back on his target to use Twitter as a running commentary on his eclectic brain.

See a full list of some of the best Tweets of all time at

Purchase Twitter for Good for only $29.95.

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