In conversation: Discussing the big issues with Marina Glogovac - part two

publication date: Jul 15, 2015
author/source: Kimberley MacKenzie, CFRE

Kimberley MacKenzieAs a seasoned leader and visionary with over 20 years of experience in the private sector, Marina Glogovac, Chief Executive Officer of Canada Helps, has some very interesting views on some of the biggest issues the charitable sector faces today and in the future.

In this second instalment of my conversation with Marina, we discuss the importance of charities in our society and the extraordinary need in the world for us to increase our services, in spite of the pressure to reduce our expenses.

There is a fundamental need to shift our perceptions about the charitable sector and to change from measuring what we spend on operating (and bare bones survival) to measuring our impact on society at large. This is the only way we will be able to scale up our services to our communities.

Thank you for taking time to listen to this podcast. If you have ideas for future podcasts or would like to participate in a conversation with me about something you are passionate about, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

See you next time! 



Kimberley MacKenzie, CFRE

Editor, Hilborn Charity eNEWS

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