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Why we need more #DonorLove

publication date: Jul 16, 2015
author/source: Rory Green & Maeve Strathy

Rory Green and Maeve StrathyAre your donors happy with their donor experience?

Are they elated? Overjoyed?

Do they love being a donor?

There is so much talk in our industry about donor retention and donor satisfaction, and yet so few charities are truly getting it right.

That’s where #DonorLove comes in. With the increasing move from an, and economy to an or economy (as in donors choosing one charity or another and not both), the need to make our donors happy is more and more critical. That is why this #DonorLove movement has started. We want your donors to truly love you – and for your donors to know that you truly love them.

In Rory’s blog Fundraiser Grrl, she hears donor horror stories on a daily basis:

  • Potential donors being asked too soon
  • Fundraisers who aren’t supported by their bosses to spend time on stewardship
  • Donors waiting months for a tax receipt
  • Donors who are never thanked

And that’s why we are joining with our fellow donor evangelists to fight for #DonorLove.

We need to start a serious conversation about the barriers that get in the way of doing what’s right for donors:

  • Lack of leadership buy-in
  • Short-term thinking
  • Limited resources
  • Misplaced priorities
  • No culture of philanthropy

It’s time for fundraisers to be empowered and take ownership of this problem, and come together to make the donor experience better.

Does this interest you? You are invited to join in the conversation. Follow the #DonorLove on twitter, linked in and facebook or join us in person on Wednesday, May 11, 2016. We would love to see you there. You can learn more here.

Maeve Strathy calls herself a Fundraiser. Full-stop. Right now she is developing the leadership giving program at her alma mater, Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Previously she worked as an Alumni Development Officer at Trinity College School, where she focused on young alumni giving and programming. Maeve is passionate about enabling people to make a positive difference with their money. She’s so passionate about it that she spends her spare time thinking about it, talking about it, and writing about it on her blog,

Rory Green is currently the Associate Director, Advancement for the Faculty of Applied Science at Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, BC. Before this position, she worked in major and corporate giving at BCIT and the Canadian Cancer Society. Rory‘s passion is donors. How to listen to them. How to talk to them. How to help them feel joy through philanthropy. In her spare time, Rory is the founder and editor of Fundraiser Grrl, the fundraising community’s go-to source for comic relief.


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