In conversation: Penelope Burk - Part 3

publication date: Apr 28, 2015
author/source: Kimberley MacKenzie

kimberley mackenzieThe words “donor centred” are thrown around a lot in development offices. Has your team ever stopped and asked yourself what does being donor centred actually means?

Of course the best way to find out how to centre our fundraising activities on our donor’s needs is to ask them. Since 1997, Penelope has been doing just that!

Over the years, 250,000 donors, when surveyed, consistently deliver the same results. In this podcast Penelope clearly explains the three simple things donors want you to do to earn their loyalty and larger gifts.

We hope you have enjoyed the new “In Conversation” series. If you have ideas for future podcasts, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and let us know whom you would like to hear from.

Thank you for listening and let’s keep talking!


Editor, Charity eNEWS

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