Recently I chatted with a senior fundraiser who told me that the past month was devoted to meetings, budgets and planning. There wasn't time for talking with donors. Sound familiar?
Ever think about how grand it would be if all you had to do was steward donations? If you could invest all your energy in making sure donors' gifts and their intentions are fulfilled ... if you could spend your days reporting back to people on how much good their giving did ... if you could be the Director of Donor Delight!
We know that giving is pleasurable - it makes people feel good to support a cause. Science tells us that giving lights up the same pleasure centres in the brain as food, sex and love. Hearing that their gift was put to good use makes people feel even better, and perhaps more importantly will likely inspire them to give again. People want to give.
Are your donors happy? Giving again?
The number one complaint donors have is that they don't know where their money goes. The number one complaint fundraisers have is that they're losing donors. Retention rates are dropping, attrition is soaring and donor churn is on the rise.
We all know that donor loyalty, commitment and trust are the foundation upon which successful fundraising is built. And we all know how it's done. But, do we do it? Not as well as we should, in my opinion. Tell me:
Get back to the stewardship!
If you're like many fundraisers, you spend oodles of time administering, asking, analyzing. You do donor research to know donors better. You develop creative to ask better. You plan, budget and make sure all the i's are dotted and t's are crossed. But somehow, stewarding donors falls to the wayside - it gets done, but often not as effectively as it could be.
Perhaps it's time to get back on track.
This month's tip
Set a goal for having "delighted donors" and chart the course to get you there. Talk about what "stewarding donor gifts" means to your organization - how you do it individually and as a team. Agree on how much of a priority it is, set a plan of action for how you want to delight your donors and make the choices that allow you to deliver. Get creative ... give your donors a reason to smile when they hear from you, a reason to remember your organization and most importantly a reason to want to give again. Take things one step at a time, but aim to be in a different stewardship place this time next year.
Jose Van Herpt is principal and chief counsel at Good Works, a consulting firm that works with Canadian charities to engage donors at a truly human level and build donor loyalty and commitment. Jose welcomes your ideas, comments and criticisms about this tip. Please email her with your reactions and thoughts.