publication date: Jan 7, 2015
author/source: Janet Gadeski
No, that's not a typo. That's truly how it feels: re-energizing for new directions and older directions left dormant for a long time.

We've all lived long enough to know that walking through one open door inevitably means allowing others to swing shut, at least for the time being. The open door of Hilborn led to so much that I will always treasure: working with a creative, collegial team capable of turning on a dime to respond to anything; meeting hundreds of people passionately devoted to making our society the best it can be; learning, learning, learning from the finest in Canada's social profit sector; and savouring the chance to contribute in return through Hilborn's publications.
All that, plus being paid for my opinions! It doesn't get any more affirming than that. So why would I want to
In short it's because neglected doors and new doors are swinging open and drawing me closer. I am now passionately curious about what lies behind them. Once I was an active musician, and music is taking over my brain once more. Hobbies laid aside for the sake of deeply worthwhile work beckon again. The interests I have managed to maintain call me to cultivate them more intensely. And deeply worthwhile volunteer opportunities seem to have my name on them.
It all brings back memories of some of the best meals I have ever enjoyed. The food and wine were memorable, the company superlative and the atmosphere just right. Yet there came a time to push away from the table, a time to say good night - not because anything was missing, but because it simply felt right. So I step away from Hilborn feeling profoundly grateful for the feast it offered and keen to experience what life seems to be offering next.
May you be equally rewarded by knowing the difference you make each day. There is no better work than helping to bring justice, health, education, opportunity and beauty to more people more often. It was a privilege to know and support so many of the people who help make vital change happen for those who need it most.
With appreciation and admiration to you all,
Janet Gadeski