December 31st is approaching and fundraisers are moving day and night to secure all the donations possible before the bell tolls. I once asked to sleep in the office during the last week of the year because it would save me commute time on days that ran more than 16 hours making sure not one gift was lost!
Donating securities is one of the most tax-smart ways to give in Canada. There has been no capital-gains tax on donations since 2006. More important, in 2013, for the first time since 2008, securities donations are returning to popularity due to the slightly more positive stock market. Sadly, most of Canada’s smaller charities are missing out on the ability to promote and accept these gifts as an option for their donors.
Enter the solution provider, CanadaHelps. Since 2000 has democratized online giving, helping thousands of Canadian charities to facilitate over $345 million in donations. And they also have a fantastic securities program!
Could it be any simpler? At donors can choose multiple organizations to support with one securities transaction and, as always with CanadaHelps, get one tax receipt!
In my role as a philanthropic advisor and my previous work with larger Canadian charities, the challenge for donors who would like to make smaller gifts is that the required minimums and the fees on multiple gifts were a barrier. CanadaHelps lets donors and charities overcome this challenge and get the gift done. It takes CanadaHelps’ motto “Giving Made Simple” to a whole new level. As its CEO Marina Glogovac says:
“By accepting donations of securities on behalf of any of Canada’s 86,000 charities, we level the playing field, and give small and medium-sized charities access to a new revenue stream. It’s also great for donors because the process is simple, and they can give to the cause – or causes – they are most passionate about.”
So dear fundraisers, consider using your charity’s existing CanadaHelps page. (EVERY charity in Canada already has a page. Did you know that?) There is time to share via email and social media that you DO take securities. And here's a chart you can use to convince donors of the tax advantages:
Let the advisors in accounting, law and finance on your board and in your network know that you can take these gifts right now! It could be of great value to your donors and their clients to boost their donation tax credits before Father Time pops the champagne cork on December 31.
Paul Nazareth is a philanthropic advisor with Scotia Private Client Group and has been in planned giving since 2000. Paul previously worked in legacy fundraising for charities and now teaches planned giving with Georgian College and the Canadian Association of Gift Planners. Paul speaks to CAGP, AFP and fundraising associations across Canada and is a passionate advocate of social media for fundraisers and the power of networking in our work and lives. Find him online or follow him @UinvitedU.